Cycling The Globe

A Cycle Touring Expedition Around The World

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Welcome to Cycling The Globe - a website about a 58.000 km solo bicycle adventure through 58 countries around the world.

Thomas Andersen, Copenhagen, Denmark

News: The book about the adventure is now out! Order it directly here on the website.

Hi, my name is Thomas Andersen. In October 2010 I left Denmark by bicycle, not knowing what to expect. What followed was an epic journey.

I have cycled through Eastern Europe learning all about the local beer, I have been chased by dogs in Turkey. I have pedalled through Syria before the war. I have been a celebrity in Malaysia, and worked on a huge cattle station in Australia.

I spent the year of 2014 cycling through South America which looked like this!

In 2016 I flew to Cape Town and cycled back to Denmark where it all started 6 years earlier.

I hope you will enjoy your stay on this site. Come along by checking out the diary below, and also the feeds on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Day 1700: Somotillo - San Lore

Distance: 86.5 km Ride time: 4:35:36 Average: 18.8 km/h Max speed: 42.5 km/h Total: 36032 km I had packed my bicycle and was ready to leave my small hotel in the morning as I spotted ...

Day 1699, Leon - Somotillo: Bl

Distance: 111.9 km Ride time: 5:12:59 Average: 21.5 km/h Max speed: 56.9 km/h Total: 35944 km I was expecting another super hot day as I left Leon and headed inland. And heat was what I ...

Day 1698, Managua - Leon: The

Distance: 93.8 km Ride time: 4:31:06 Average: 20.8 km/h Max speed: 40.0 km/h Total: 35829 km Considering I was leaving Managua in the morning rush hour, the traffic was not bad at all - or ...

Day 1697, Rivas - Managua: Col

Distance: 113.2 km Ride time: 5:31:26 Average: 20.5 km/h Max speed: 47.9 km/h Total: 35728 km Everything is very compact here in Nicaragua. Yesterday night I had left the beautiful Island of Ometepe. Today the ...

Day 1696, Ometepe - Rivas: Mor

Distance: 32.7 km Ride time: 1:32:33 Average: 21.2 km/h Max speed: 54.7 km/h Total: 35615 km It was interesting to hear Sabrina talking about her job at an organic farm on Ometepe over lunch. They ...

Day 1695: Ometepe Island Tour

Distance: 39.3 km Ride time: 2:25:58 Average: 16.2 km/h Max speed: 49.0 km/h Total: 35582 km It was my plan to do a little tour by bicycle around the beautiful Ometepe Island. It was also ...

Day 1694, Isla Ometepe: No Str

It really is a very low key place over here on Ometepe island - I don't think stress is a big problem for the people living here. I'm staying at ...

Day 1693, La Cruz - Isla Omete

Distance: 61.1 km Ride time: 3:09:23 Average: 19.4 km/h Max speed: 47.5 km/h Total: 35542 km With only 20 km to the border with Nicaragua it was time to say goodbye to Costa Rica. What ...

Day 1692, Cañas - La Cruz: Pu

Distance: 109.2 km Ride time: 6:12:45 Average: 17.6 km/h Max speed: 45.4 km/h Total: 35478 km Reaching the northern parts of Costa Rica, the landscape is turning more dry - very different from the otherwise ...

Day 1691: Orotina - Cañas, Co

Distance: 101.1 km Ride time: 5:29:45 Average: 18.4 km/h Max speed: 53.6 km/h Total: 35367 km I found a small road on my map and decided to give it a go. I was rewarded with ...