Cycling The Globe

A Cycle Touring Expedition Around The World

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Welcome to Cycling The Globe - a website about a 58.000 km solo bicycle adventure through 58 countries around the world.

Thomas Andersen, Copenhagen, Denmark

News: The book about the adventure is now out! Order it directly here on the website.

Hi, my name is Thomas Andersen. In October 2010 I left Denmark by bicycle, not knowing what to expect. What followed was an epic journey.

I have cycled through Eastern Europe learning all about the local beer, I have been chased by dogs in Turkey. I have pedalled through Syria before the war. I have been a celebrity in Malaysia, and worked on a huge cattle station in Australia.

I spent the year of 2014 cycling through South America which looked like this!

In 2016 I flew to Cape Town and cycled back to Denmark where it all started 6 years earlier.

I hope you will enjoy your stay on this site. Come along by checking out the diary below, and also the feeds on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Day 1963 - 1964, Otjiwarongo:

After spending two days driving around my rental car in Etosha National Park, a problem had occurred: Back pain. I don't remember having this problem before on the trip. One thing ...

Day 1961 - 1962: Etosha Nation

I though it would cost hundreds if not thousand of dollars to go on a safari. Then I realized that the entrance fee for Etosha National Park (one of the ...

Day 1960, Okahandja - Otjiwaro

Distance: 131.3 km Ride time: 6:57:16 Average: 18.9 km/h Max speed: 35.3 km/h Total: 45571 km I was spending the first 30 minutes of the day riding next to a local cyclist who turned out ...

Day 1959, Windhoek - Okahandja

Distance: 115.2 km Ride time: 5:38:50 Average: 20.4 km/h Max speed: 38.2 km/h Total: 45440 km I had been spending 10 days in Windhoek trying to figure out the next part of the trip. Since ...

Day 1949 - 1957: Windhoek, Nam

When I arrived at my Windoek hostel I had met fellow Africa cyclist Oliver from Switzerland. Soon thereafter Javier from Spain ( also rolled into the campsite. Javi is cycling ...

Day 1948, Rehoboth - Windhoek:

Distance: 91.2 km Ride time: 5:46:11 Average: 15.8 km/h Max speed: 51.5 km/h Total: 45325 km I had been looking forward to reach Windhoek. The Namibian country side has been an amazing experience, but it's ...

Day 1947, Kalkrand - Rehoboth:

Distance: 100.3 km Ride time: 5:41:39 Average: 17.6 km/h Max speed: 30.2 km/h Total: 45234 km I'm back on tarmac after what feels like a long time on dirt. Wow, much easier to ride 100 ...

Day 1946, Maltahöhe - Kalkran

Distance: 118.2 km Ride time: 8:39:21 Average: 13.7 km/h Max speed: 36.0 km/h Total: 45134 km From Maltahöhe I decided to take a more direct route towards the capital Windhoek instead of continuing on the ...

Day 1944 - 1945, Helmeringhaus

Distance: 139.0 km Ride time: 8:30:18 Average: 16.3 km/h Max speed: 33.8 km/h Total: 45016 km Even though touring cyclists are obviously in good physical shape, most of the time we will be out there ...

Day 1943, Tirasberg - Helmerin

Distance: 47.9 km Ride time: 3:51:21 Average: 12.4 km/h Max speed: 25.9 km/h Total: 44877 km Good morning from Namibia! Is there really anything else to say? :-) .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } ...