Cycling The Globe

A Cycle Touring Expedition Around The World

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Welcome to Cycling The Globe - a website about a 58.000 km solo bicycle adventure through 58 countries around the world.

Thomas Andersen, Copenhagen, Denmark

News: The book about the adventure is now out! Order it directly here on the website.

Hi, my name is Thomas Andersen. In October 2010 I left Denmark by bicycle, not knowing what to expect. What followed was an epic journey.

I have cycled through Eastern Europe learning all about the local beer, I have been chased by dogs in Turkey. I have pedalled through Syria before the war. I have been a celebrity in Malaysia, and worked on a huge cattle station in Australia.

I spent the year of 2014 cycling through South America which looked like this!

In 2016 I flew to Cape Town and cycled back to Denmark where it all started 6 years earlier.

I hope you will enjoy your stay on this site. Come along by checking out the diary below, and also the feeds on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Day 2073, Omerate - Turmi, Eth

Distance: 71.0 km Ride time: 5:22:53 Average: 13.2 km/h Max speed: 33.1 km/h Total: 51383 km Waking up in a a new country is always exciting - and especially in a place like Ethiopia. Among ...

Day 2072, Lowarengak - Omerate

Distance: 72.0 km Ride time: 5:36:12 Average: 12.9 km/h Max speed: 26.3 km/h Total: 51312 km I was very excited about today's ride which would take me through a very remote corner of Kenya and ...

Day 2071, Kalokol - Lowarengak

Distance: 92.6 km Ride time: 7:55:40 Average: 11.7 km/h Max speed: 27.4 km/h Total: 51240 km I was pretty excited as I left Kalokol in the early morning. The tiny village would be the last ...

Day 2070, Lodwar - Kalokol: Ba

Distance: 57.7 km Ride time: 3:47:49 Average: 15.2 km/h Max speed: 32.4 km/h Total: 51147 km Yesterday I had checked out of my fancy hotel in Nairobi and taken the small flight back to Lodwar. ...

Day 2059 - 2069: Locked Up in

Normally while riding my bike I feel pretty integrated in the culture I'm cycling through. In Africa I might not exactly look very local with my blue eyes in (half) ...

Day 2058, Lokichar - Lodwar: H

Distance: 86.7 km Ride time: 5:47:00 Average: 15.0 km/h Max speed: 31.0 km/h Total: 51089 km I left Lokichar early in the morning to try to beat the heat. After a bit of shopping for ...

Day 2057, Kainuk - Lokichar: A

Distance: 81.2 km Ride time: 5:48:19 Average: 14.0 km/h Max speed: 26.3 km/h Total: 51002 km No, I'm not in Africa anymore. In fact I'm sitting in a comfortable couch back home in Copenhagen, but ...

Day 2200: The End of the Road

I'm not sure if I really understood it myself yet, but I'm back home in Copenhagen! .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; ...

Day 2196: 6 Years and Two Days

I remember standing on the ferry to Germany an October day in 2010, watching Denmark disappear in the clouds. If only I could have imagined it would be six years, ...

Day 2000++: A European Update

If you have only been following this blog and not the live updates over at Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you might think I have only made it to Kenya. The ...