Distance: 44.09 km
Ridetime: 3:27:17
Average: 12.8 km/h
Total distance: 3166 km
There are few things as depressing for a cyclist as a really strong head wind. Climbing mountains is hard but the view is usually nice and then there is always a corresponding descend to look forward to. On the other hand a strong headwind is just an invisible enemy you are fighting the whole day.
The average speed of 12.8 km/h for today says it all. At a point I was close to the ruins of Troy (yes, think Brad Pitt) but with the strong winds I did not fancy the 15 km detour. After 3 hours I had enough and called it a day in Ezine.
If only you had a peloton to hide behind!
That video certainly shows it. What a hell of a breeze that was!