Distance: 41.20 km
Ride time: 2.00.41
Average: 20.48 km/h
Max speed: 33.67 km/h
Total: 31209 km
Compared to the dodgy towns I had been cycling through yesterday, Piura was completely different. Sometimes you just have this good and friendly feeling when you walk around a place – that was how I felt about Piura.
I have been waiting for an important letter from Denmark for a long time. Now after two months (postal strike) my friend Patricia in Lima finally told me it had arrived. Luckily the long distance buses in Peru also function as a delivery service, so after posting the letter from Lima I was able to pick it up in Piura the next day.
Not that I minded hanging around a little longer. My very cheap and basic hotel room surprisingly had Wifi, so I was able to get a bit of work done as well.