Distance: 94.35 km
Ridetime: 5:41:56
Average: 17.1 km/h
Max speed: 30.6 km/h
Total distance: 15079 km
A day on the bike is built up by a number of highs and lows. Hopefully, in the long run, there are more highs and than lows.
After passing 15.000 km, today’s high point was when I found a creek with some water in it! I haven’t seen another creek with water since leaving Alice Springs, and it appeared at just the right time when the 40°C heat started to become unbearable. I quick dip in the water hole where the water was still cold was just what I needed at that point. Now I know how it feels like to find water in the desert!
The low point happened just after the surprise swim break. The wind had changed and had gained force. It was now a regular storm right in my face. I fought my way forward, kilometer by kilometer in first gear at a speed of 8-10 km/h. When I see a sign with 5 km to next rest area my usual reaction is “great, just around the corner”. Today even 5 km took more than half an hour to ride. Wind like that feels especially strong out here because there are no trees and the landscape is completely flat.
Oh well, hope the wind will be better tomorrow. I’m planning an early start at 3 am to see if I can beat it.