Distance: 82.38 km
Ridetime: 03:32:12
Average: 23.3 km/h
Total distance: 5827 km
Being back on the road for a real cycling day felt good. When I have been off the bike for a few days I often wonder if both the bicycle and myself are still capable of doing it. Luckily we usually are.
My destination for today would be Suriapet. When I ride into a city I usually form an opinion about the place within a few minutes. Suriapet immediately came out as a friendly place. I found a nice hotel and went for a walk in the streets. When I saw a hairdresser I decided to go for a haircut. I ended up paying 30 rupees. Back home I pay the equivalent of 1700 rupees for the same haircut! I was even very satisfied with the job. 30 rupees equals 50 euro cent.
I think I also need a haircut. I will go to Suriapet for that 😉