Distance: 31.86 km
Ridetime: 01:21:53
Average: 23.3 km/h
Total distance: 5745 km
After three days in Hyderabad it was time to move on. Paddy offered to take me to the outskirts of the city in his car. Knowing the morning rush hour traffic in Hyderabad I was happy to accept that offer.
After saying goodbye and thanks I hit the road again. Normally I would feel recharged after three non-cycling days, but with such a busy schedule in Hyderabad I actually felt more tired than when I arrived. When I saw a hotel after only 30 km of cycling I decided to call it an early day. Such are the joys of being your own boss.
Thomas…nice picture :-)i could never see whether “my art” was there or not..I always tried to check it!
Haha, of course your incredible piece of art is still there Marta 🙂 I enjoy the view of it every day!