Distance: 90.5 km
Ride time: 5:17:55
Average: 17.1 km/h
Max speed: 44.6 km/h
Total: 56968 km
After saying goodbye and thanks for a great stay to Norby and his family I was on the road again, navigating my way through the suburbs of Luxembourg City. Luxembourg is a small country – about 100 km long, and thus perfectly sized for a day on the bike. Being one of the wealthiest countries in the world I was somehow surprised how “normal” everything felt. This is not Dubai or Qatar where everything is built to impress – instead the people of Luxembourg prefer to live their privileged life somehow under the radar.
Since I’m under a bit of time pressure to reach The Netherlands tomorrow I choose the main road going north. In hindsight not the smartest choice since the busy road with cars going over a 100 km/h was not really optimized for cycling. Better luck next time.
Once in a while I would find a smaller road on the GPS and it was time to enjoy the beautiful views over the country side – views that reminded me of being back in Denmark.
After a bit over 24 hours in Luxembourg I was already getting closer to the Belgian border. I have never been in Belgium nor The Netherlands before. But, I have met many people from those countries while travelling around the world, so I feel I have an idea about what to expect; a bunch of fun-loving and open people.
Across the border I was surprised to see that most of the signs were written in German. I thought the people of Belgium spoke either French or Flamish, but I learnt that there is a small corner of the country where German is the language of choice – and that was where I had ended up tonight.
For the night I found another camp site for a final night in my tent before I will meet up with Manon in Maastricht tomorrow. I’m looking forward
At least that road is not like the M5! I still can’t believe you road along that one.