Distance: 46.2 km
Ride time: 2:34:48
Average: 17.9 km/h
Max speed: 39.2 km/h
Total: 54016 km
Less than 50 kilometers separated us from “finishing Africa” as we had breakfast in Asilah in the morning. Morocco is not a place where they like to get up early. We left town at 9:30 and everybody was very much still asleep by then.
A nice tail wind pushed us through the flat and dry landscape towards Tanger – the final stop in Morocco from where we will take the ferry over to Spain. The tail wind was very much appreciated since Manon’s knee needed an easy day.
Before finishing Africa there was another milestone to celebrate.
Half an hour later the first suburbs of Tanger already appeared. I was thinking about the day I left Cape Town full of excitement about this huge and mostly unknown continent of Africa. I feel I have got to know it enough to understand how life works here, but there is certainly a lot of things still to be explored – I will be back!
In typical Moroccan style the first part of town was pretty modern with wide boulevards and big shopping centers.
We cycled to the beach from where you can actually see Spain – thus there was no more Africa left to cycle! It was time to celebrate.
And then into the old medina which is like being back in another world.
The old medina was also where we hoped to find a hotel. It’s high season in Morocco these days, and the first two hostels seemed to be full with European travellers who had taken the ferry over for a few days. Luckily we had better luck the 3rd time where a rather peculiar French lady welcomed us to her beautiful house which also functioned as a hostel.
Nothing wrong with the views from the roof top terrace. I enjoyed to have someone special to share the view with – well, when she was not taking photos
10.000 km over the last eight months – full on adventure from the beginning to the end. What a continent Africa is. And now? Well, tomorrow we are taking the ferry over to Tarifa, and then I’m counting on a enjoyable finale of a summer ride back to Denmark where it all started 6 years ago…
The end of Africa! It’s been a blast!