Distance: 92.9 km
Ride time: 5:49:01
Average: 16.0 km/h
Max speed: 50.8 km/h
Total: 48629 km
The climate is pretty perfect up here at 1800 meters above sea level – nice cool nights and mornings, and daytime temperature in the mid twenties (°C). After leaving Mbeya the day started with a descend down to 1200 m, then straight up to 1800 again. Lot’s of climbing in this part of Tanzania!
The road I’m on sees a fair bit of traffic as it’s the main route between Tanzania and Zambia. The traffic will not last though. Tomorrow I will be making a right turn into some very remote roads towards Burundi. I thought it would be dirt all the way, but I just heard from the people at my guest house that some of it is newly paved. A few more days of easy cruising before the real adventure begins…
You see some pretty funny signs in Africa.
A typical lunch in one of the road side restaurants in Tanzania. Rice, beef, spinach, and beans: Cheap and good cycling fuel!
The typical afternoon thunderclouds was taking shape as I was having my lunch. They usually are not as big problem as you can zig-zag your way around them with a bit of waiting here and there. With all the water I do wonder about the state of the dirt roads that I’m about to hit in a few days – let’s see!
Judging by those mountains in the distance, no wonder there’s a lot of climbing. 🙂
Nice to see the photo of those railway tracks. 🙂