Distance: 96.5 km
Ride time: 5:22:56
Average: 17.9 km/h
Max speed: 33.8 km/h
Total: 46982 km
Someone asked me a question the other day: “How much of your trip is really enjoyable, and how much is just plain repetitive work?”. Good question, which made me think for a bit…
In fact I don’t associate the words work and repetitive with the journey at all. If I did, one such day might be today where there were no real sights or really spectacular things to experience.
The thing is just that even after 5 years I still love to go out there and cycle my 100 km through local villages where the people will smile and wave and you will get an idea of their way of life. In fact I might even have enjoyed today more than the other day where I visited Victoria Falls. Yes, the photos from there look pretty, but it’s somehow a more superficial experience.
Tomorrow I should make it to Lusaka!
“Nothing spectacular happened today”. Not really true. Even though days may seem mundane, it’s still a day of experiences that may not be quite the same as other days. 🙂 Of course, it’s always good when there’s a train to see. 🙂