Distance: 120.2 km
Ride time: 6:41:49
Average: 18.0 km/h
Max speed: 52.2 km/h
Total: 44442 km
It seems to me that shops are closing very early in South Africa. Here in Springbok, even the fast food chain Wimpy closes at 7 pm. Perhaps people are up early then? Well, the streets were still pretty empty as I left town at 6:30, but I did find a gas station for a quick breakfast.
Long stretches of road with nothing in between… there will be more of that in Namibia!
Finally a town, Steinkopf. I headed to yet another gas station to seek out some shade in the hot midday hours while having a chat with some of the locals. This is what I love about cycle touring – you get to meet all sides of society.
At 3 pm clouds were moving in. Furthermore the wind was in my favour, so I thought I might just be possible to make it to the Namibian border today. Especially considering it would be downhill almost all the way towards the Orange River that marks the border.
The temperature increased dramatically as I descended through some pretty spectacular landscapes down towards the river. I plan to cycle next to the Orange River for a couple of days. It will probably be hot, but as someone I met said, you can always jump in for a swim.
2 kilometers to the border and it was time to say thank you South Africa for the such a warm (literally) welcome to the continent! What an interesting and beautiful place.
Namibia! From what I have heard, I’m expecting this place to be hot, remote, and beautiful. It was probably also the last border crossing were everything went smooth and easy; from here on getting the visas and crossing the borders will probably be harder than the cycling itself. In fact, some would say that the route I’m planning is downright impossible. Let’s see – and for now enjoy Namibia, country #40 by bike!
What wonderful landscapes. Looking forward to reading your accounts of the future boarder crossings!
Great to be following you (virtual reality wise) on this part of your journey. I set of way to late from Springbok by the time I reached Steinkopf it was way to hot plus the wind was decidedly not in my favour. So after some ice creams I’m staying here the night. Never did a cold shower feel so good

Well done I might have grabbed your KOM yesterday – but I think that will be the last time!
I love how you are doing your posts, maybe time to rethink my hodge podge
Hi Geoff! Great to know you like the updates, and cool that you are following in my foot steps down there. Just wait until you enter Namibia. Amazing place! Best wishes from Lusaka, Zambia!