Distance: 46.17 km
Ride time: 1.48.56
Average: 25.43 km/h
Max speed: 54.36 km/h
Total: 32099 km
After I spent 3 months at the Altiplano in Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru I’m not afraid of cold weather anymore. I was however a little unsure when I put up my tent last night. In Peru I hadn’t thought I would be climbing more 4000 m passes so I had given away most of my warm clothes including my extra sleeping bag. The only one I have now is a lightweight 1+ season type bag – I hoped it would be enough.
The night was cold, probably around -5°C, but luckily I felt warm enough. I had found a spot with a perfect view over the Chimborazo volcano. Sleep was not perfect, it never is when you just arrive at 4000 m. At one point I opened my tent door at had a look over Chimborazo with thousands of stars above – it was magical.
The morning view was not too bad either.
At 6268 m Chimborazo is the highest mountain near equator. While Mount Everest is a few thousand meters higher above sea level, due to the equatorial bulge, Chimborazo is the farthest point on the Earth’s surface from the Earth’s center! And what a beauty.
I hadn’t thought I would be climbing more mountains in South America, but there was certainly something very compelling about Chimborazo. Almost like a beautiful woman looking at you with very inviting eyes – how are you supposed to say no?
I packed my tent and continued rolling down the pass towards Ambato. It was downhill almost all the way. After a couple of hard days of climbing, this was exactly the kind of easy day I needed.
I’m now on Ecuador’s volcano route and out in the distance I could already see the perfectly shaped cotopaxi cone. Apparently there is more good cycling to come!
A room with a very stunning view!