Distance: 45.31 km
Ride time: 3:29:44
Average: 13.02 km/h
Altitude: 3820 m
Total: 28522 km
I’m still following the road along Lake Titicaca, and it is beautiful cycling. Every hill around here seem to be used for farming with ancient agricultural terrace. Some very impressive engineering skills of the peoples who lived here in pre-Columbian times, and the small terraces are still in use today.
In the small town of Llave I stopped for lunch. The 45 kms to get there had been hard enough due to the still consistent head wind. I had planned to continue, but it was as if the legs said no. Instead I looked around for a cheap place to stay. This would be my first night in a hostel in Peru, so I didn’t know what to expect in terms of prices.
I was surprised to find a local hospedaje for 15 soles or 5.50$. In general Peru is obviously more expensive than Bolivia, but it is good news to me that it is still possible to find a cheap place to sleep.
In the night I would learn why my legs had felt week during the day. I was soon knocked completely out by a nasty stomach infection – to such a degree that I haven’t tried anything like it since India.
I told the owner of the hospedaje that I would need to stay another day – a day that was spent in bed. It wasn’t pretty and I really don’t like being sick, but that is sometimes the price you will have to by pay to keep travelling.
A speedy recovery Thomas.
Thanks Gust, already feeling much better! And, regarding Ecuador and the volcano route, I haven’t done any research on Ecuador yet, but thanks for the idears!
Take care, Thomas!