Distance: 43.95 km
Ride time: 3:10:15
Average: 15.08km/h
Altitude: 2850 m
Total: 27385 km
The cycling in Bolivia was smooth, easy and relaxed. This was actually not how I had imagined things to be at all. I think the expected hardships of cycling in Bolivia will follow shortly, but for now I was comfortably cruising towards Tupiza.
It is true that there is a big difference between Argentina and Bolivia. The villages I was passing through were less developed than their Argentinian counterparts.
A lot of people had warned me about Bolivia – a guy had told me that this was the only country in South America where he had not felt safe, and that perhaps it was best to avoid it on a bicycle. My experience was another though. As I was cycling through the villages everybody waved and said “buenas dias” to me, and I had hardly ever felt safer.
After half a day of beautiful cycling through several Quebradas I reached Tupiza, a city with a wild west feeling to it among the red mountains. It was also a place that was mentioned is Lonely Planet, and therefore established on the so called Gringo Trail. As I checked into a cheap hostel I did indeed meet a few other travelers.
Tupiza seemed like a great place to spend a few days, including celebrating my birthday. Together with Icelandic and a fellow Danish traveler from the hostel, we had a nice dinner, and the day ended with a procession at the central square.
Not a bad way to turn 31 at all!
What a way to spend a birthday!