Distance: 56.68 km
Ride time: 4:42:25
Average: 12.06 km/h
Altitude: 2099 m
Total: 27039 km
Before heading off for today’s ride, I was enjoying a coffee at my balcony overlooking the central square in Jujuy. I had booked a hostel room, but I was the only guest around. A bit of luxury is always appreciated.
I then started a long climb. Normally when you are ascending you can look forward to a corresponding descend not too far away. This time it would be different though. I am now climbing up towards the Altiplano, the Bolivian Plateau between 3500 and 4000 m in west-central South America. I will not be back at more normal altitudes before getting close the pacific coast in Peru!
On the way up the climb I reached 27000 km. 30K is within reach now.
I don’t mind hard cycling when the surroundings are beautiful – and that they were today.
In the village of Volcán I stopped to buy lunch and take some pictures.
I’m following an old railway line that I read was closed in 1994. In each village I pass, I see the now empty railway station and tracks. A Somewhat sad sight, this ghost town feeling.
The next village, Tumbaya, turned out to be a real gem with it’s adobe houses. As I walked around I thought how different life is out here compared to in Buenos Aires – another world really.
I considered staying at the guesthouse in town, but when nobody answered the door when I knocked, I continued a few kilometers up the road and put up my tent.
Tillykke fødselsdagen Thomas! Jeg håber, at du har mange flere års eventyrlystne og trygt at cykle!
Hehe, thanks a lot Tony! Best wishes from Bolivia!
Kaere Thomas tillykke med foedselsdagen. Kunne ikke se om Inger havde skrevet som hun havde lovet. Haaber du fik info vedr. Panama. Hilsen Oz2uv Bjarne
Kaere Bjarne. Mange tak for hilsnen. Jeg fik ogsaa en besked fra Inger paa facebook, saa jeg er godt daekket ind, hihi. Jeg har lige skrevet en email til Karsten i Panama. Tak for informationen, og en stor hilsen til Solrod fra Bolivia!