Distance: 74.78 km
Ride time: 3:45:52
Average: 19.94 km/h
Altitude: 1202 m
Total: 25428 km
There are two ways to cycle out of Jachal. Through a flat road or through a valley. In the end we chose the valley even though we had heard that it included a bit of climbing. And boy were we glad that we did! The ride through the valley was absolutely stunning.
We reached a lookout point where we had a long lunch break.
The landscapes really reminded me of Alice Springs, Australia with the red sand and rugged mountains.
Later in the day we rejoined Ruta 40. As usual cycling on the famous highway is more flat, but we enjoyed a steady tail wind for the next 50 km. I certainly have had my share of tail wind lately. I think I saved up some of it in Patagonia, but I imagine it will be pay back time soon. Tail winds and head winds, the eternal themes of a cyclist
It was not difficult finding another wild camp spot for the night. We simply pulled over to the side of the road as the sun went down. Knowing that the moon would rise around 1 o’clock in the night, we once again skipped putting up the tent and slept under the stars.
And wow, there were many stars. I don’t think I have ever seen this many before! I enjoyed the show for a while and then went to sleep (these cycling days makes you tired). Throughtout the night I could hear Petter photographing and taking time lapses with his cameras. The results are nothing but amazing.
Hey Thomas!
It is really nice landscape, it rememebers me a bit to the climbing of Las Palomas in Cadiz. Do you remember it? Of course Australia should be astonishing too
PS: Amazing picture of the Milky way! Good stuff!
amazing, thank you for sharing these stories and pictures !! (bow)
Hola Juan! Verdad, yes I remember the climb, and this place also reminds me of beautiful Cadiz. I’m looking forward to one day cycling through the area again on the way back to Denmark. Hope all is well in Cambridge! Thomas
Those star photographs are absolutely astonishing! What a sight! I know they must be time lapse photos, but still…!