Distance: 94.89 km
Ridetime: 4:21:36
Average: 21.8 km/h
Max speed: 39.4 km/h
Total distance: 18231 km
Before I left Christchurch I had checked the forecast, and I knew today would be a cloudy and perhaps rainy day. Something to get used to in New Zealand.
Sure enough I woke up to the sound of rain drops on my tent. Luckily, before I had packed everything and was ready to go it had mostly stopped. With a temperature of 17 degrees I was very happy about the warm clothes I had just bought.
In Ashburton I stopped for another few hours at the library for more blog updates. I knew that from now on things would get more rural, and it would probably be a long time before I would see a library again.
When I spoke to my mom on the phone she reported -5 degrees and snow in Copenhagen, a healthy reminder that I shouldn’t feel too sorry about myself for having to endure a day of 17 degrees and some rain. I did, however, put on my hat as I went to sleep on my wild camp spot a few hours later.