Distance: 112.93 km
Ridetime: 4:54:16
Average: 23.0 km/h
Max speed: 51.9 km/h
Total distance: 17090 km
It was with mixed emotions I was leaving Melbourne. The 10 day New Year break there had been just what I needed. After a long break it usually takes a day or two to get back into the rhythm of life on the road. The legs have to get used to cycling again, and the mind has to leave civilization behind and start focusing on finding good wild camping spots etc.
The goal of today was to get as far away from Melbourne that it would be possible to wild camp. That took about 60 km. I continued to Warragul and stopped for my dinner break.
During the day it had been hot and sunny, but suddenly the temperature dropped dramatically from around 33 to 20 degrees and it started to rain. In Melbourne the TV news were full of reports of heat waves and bush fires so that was the kind of weather I thought I would be battling. Instead I was now looking at rainy night temperatures of down to 10 degrees.
The weather changes fast in south Australia! At least I got the Chance to see if the tent was still waterproof.