Distance: 113.21 km
Ridetime: 06:07:54
Average: 18.5 km/h
Total distance: 13966 km
The super market in Tennant Creek is known among cyclists to be the only reasonable priced place to buy food for 1200 km between Katherine and Alice Springs. As soon as I arrived in town, I went there to fill up the bags.
A few of the people I had met also mentioned a public park with a free shower – another thing not to be missed! I gave my clothes a wash as well. As I was waiting for my clothes to dry while having a small feast of my newly bought food, I once again felt ready to face the outback.
Back on the road I met Ivan, a cycle tourist from Serbia. Among many other things, Ivan was carrying a didgeridoo on his bike. I guess weight is not an important theme for every cyclist. As Ivan was heading to Asia I was able to give a few tips. Likewise Ivan explained how easy he had found a job in Alice Springs. Very promising for me. Even though I have hardly spent any money the last week, the expedition funds are running low.
Hi Thomas,
Glad to see you are still updating the travel blog. Curious if you have been able do any radio in Alice Springs?
73 de ww
Hi Brent,
Yeah, been very slow with the blog lately. Glad you are still following along! Did manage a few contacts from the VK8AR club…