Distance: 126.31 km
Ridetime: 05:39:46
Average: 22.3 km/h
Total distance: 12424 km
As I’m getting closer to Surabaya, the largest city on East Java, the traffic is once again picking up. The pollution is making the cycling a lot less enjoyable.
What the day lacked in excitement over the cycling was more than made up for in the evening when I met Yuni from Couchsurfing. I had been invited to stay with her family in Mojokerto.
We went on a motor bike ride around city with Yuni as the driver. People are finding it very strange that I have never been riding a motor bike. As they say, here every 9 year old kid know how to drive one.
I hope you got some kind of funky James Bond contraption so that you can ride your bike over to VK land 🙂 Keep the updates coming man… really like following your progress!