Cycling The Globe

A Cycle Touring Expedition Around The World

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Day 232: Bandingagung – Krui

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Jun - 05 - 2011

Distance: 90.14 km
Ridetime: 04:07:34
Average: 21.8 km/h
Total distance: 11326 km

After a healthy breakfast consisting of rice and chicken (there is no difference between breakfast, lunch and dinner here) I felt ready for another day in the mountains.

The distance from Bandung to the coastal town of Krui looked very short on my map, but with the twisted roads the distance ended up almost double of what I would have thought.

The first part of the trip along the Ranau lake was amazingly beautiful. One of the most beautiful stretches of road I remember on the trip.

On the descend towards the coast the road turned very bad. Luckily no flats, but this kind of road is really not recommendable on a road bike.

When I made it to Krui I spotted a couple of foreigners. This is the first time I see foreigners in Indonesia! They turned out to be Australians coming to surf. If Australians actually leave Australia to surf, I guess the beaches must be good!

The day ended at another family run hotel right by the ocean. I love cycling on Sumatra!

Categories: Indonesia
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7 Responses so far.

  1. Mor says:

    Ih hvor smukt….

  2. Anne Marie Norby says:

    Hej Thomas
    Dejligt at følge dig – her bliver det bare ikke sommer 🙁 6 gr varme idag. Vi er lagt sammen med vejafdelingen ….. øv Kærlig hilsen Anne Marie

  3. Hej Anne Marie,
    Nej 6 grader, det var ikke meget for juni. Lang tid siden jeg har prøvet noget så koldt 🙂 Forhåbentlig er sommeren på vej – selv til Færøerne. Hils deroppe! Thomas

  4. Marie says:

    It’s beautiful!!!

  5. 9W2OCC says:

    very fantastic scenery,,,
    happy crangking Tom,,,

  6. Morten says:
