Distance: 117.13 km
Ridetime: 05:04:42
Average: 23.1 km/h
Total distance: 8729 km
The hotel in Ranong had porridge for breakfast. I don’t remember having porridge since Ukraine. A bit of a shame since it makes up such a powerful cycling breakfast.
I don’t really enjoy visiting Zoo’s since I feel sorry for all the animals trapped in their cages. For the same reason I haven’t stopped at any of the elephant parks where tourists can have a ride. But, today I got a chance to see this, just as I cycled down the road.
What a joy to see the mighty animals in their natural working environment.
I reached Kuraburi in one of the more spectacular sunsets I can remember. The colors were exploding.
As I found a bungalow for the night, the guy handing me the key said “My father caught a big fish today. Please come and eat with us. Later we can go out for a beer”.
What an ending to an already wonderful day.
How wonderful 🙂