With my visa for Thailand about to expire, I was forced to leave the country – but just for a day. After some research I had planned a day trip to Kawthaung, a small border town on the Southern tip of Myanmar. For 10 US$ they would apparently issue a permit that allows you to visit only that particular city.
There are a couple of ways to get from Thailand to Myanmar. I chose the most local way – a longboat across the Kra Buri River.
Once in Myanmar I was issued my entry permit and had the rest of the day to explore the city. A fascinating place that reminded me of India – I think mostly because of the smells and the sounds. A place so close, yet so far away from the 7-elevens and other western culture now so widespread in Thailand.
It was a beautiful and hot day. After walking around for hours I got a bad sunburn on my forehead where the cycle helmet usually provides some shade. I guess my body is now so used to cycling that it is basically dangerous to do something else for day.
After a plate of rice and a cup of chai, I was soon on board another longboat back to Thailand. Et voilà, one experience and one stamp richer, that will now allow me to stay another two weeks in Thailand. A good day in the Cycling the Globe office.
once again – amazing (both photos and stories)!
And once again – thanks for the nice comment