Distance: 149.69 km
Ridetime: 07:26:15
Average: 20.1 km/h
Total distance: 6687 km
150 km on day 150 seems appropriate. The legs are now really back in shape. Even with some headwind the day went by without too much of an issue.
It is true that the towns in Orissa are less developed compared to other states. On the map Khordha appeared to be quite a large town. Therefore I was surprised to find it had only one lodge. And a simple one it was. Probably the most local place I have stayed in India. I was surprised to see that the room had electrical light. As usual I was just happy to have a place to stay for the night.
What the lodge lacked in luxury was more than made up by the friendliness of the staff and other guests. I was offered free food and even though communicating in English was difficult everyone wanted to talk. Without TV and computers to distract, natural human interaction suddenly plays a more central role – something we could all learn from.
A memorable cycling day and evening indeed.
How lovely
Ja det må være interessant at kommunikere uden TV og mobil. jeg skønner dog på den elektronik, der gør at du kan viderebringe herlige historier fra den store verden.
Laekker vaerelse!