Distance: 76.20 km
Ridetime: 03:50:43
Average: 19.8 km/h
Total distance: 6537 km
I was quite excited about crossing into the state of Orissa. One guy had advised me to eat only bananas there. I don’t think he was joking. Another said it would be better to take a train up to Calcutta. I have learned to take such friendly advice about the next state or next country with a grain of salt. Usually it comes from people who have never been there and is widely exaggerated.
Regarding the food I didn’t find any differences. If anything, the quality of the restaurants might be a bit higher here. At least I have been eating more chicken lately which I only do if I feel comfortable about the eatery.
In Berhampur the cheap lodges were all full. That usually means there is a festival in town. I ended up in a rather nice air conditioned room. The place actually had windows that could be closed to keep the mosquitoes out. Without mosquito net or tent needed I slept better than I have been doing in a while.