Distance: 118.6 km
Ridetime: 5:42:17
Average: 20.5 km/h
Total distance: 1153 km
After a good nights sleep in Gliwice it was time to continue to Krakow. The surroundings are still very industrial, even if I try to find the smallest roads on my map. Again today there was a lot of traffic on narrow roads.
I passed by the city of Oświęcim which is of course much more well known under its German name Auswitz. Quite symbolically it started to rain for the first time on the trip just as i wrote into the city. I had already decided that I wouldn’t visit the museum today because I didn’t have enough time if I wanted to reach Krakow before darkness. Instead I plan to take a bus to Auswitz during on of the next days.
Riding into Krakow was easy. Even though Krakow is a big city, it still has preserved the sense of being a much smaller place. In the old city center it took a bit of navigation to find my way through the narrow streets but soon I reached my hostel for the night.
Hvor er det dejligt at du opdaterer så tit. Spændende læsning. jeg glæder mig til at læse om dine oplevelser på museet Auswitz.
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Kærligst mor.