Distance: 128.2 km
Ride time: 6:55:49
Average: 18.5 km/h
Max speed: 65.9 km/h
Total: 50305 km
I’m continuing through the rolling hills of southern Uganda – all in all a very nice and comfortable ride with small villages with shops and restaurant and not too much traffic on the road.
The one challenge I have is the fact that I’m cycling in the rainy season which means an afternoon shower or two every day. Luckily I managed to time the showers with my lunch stop at a nice restaurant. The restaurant even served sandwiches – something I wouldn’t have been able to find on the country side in Rwanda or Tanzania. It is as if Uganda is slightly more westernized compared to the other African countries I have visited lately.
I’m very close to the equator now, but since the road I’m following is not going straight north but rather east. I will not cross the line before tomorrow afternoon. Another milestone is coming up!