Distance: 113.5 km
Ride time: 6:04:20
Average: 18.7 km/h
Max speed: 61.2 km/h
Total: 42510 km
After the small detour to visit Halifax I was crossing the peninsula of Nova Scotia once again. It’s really quite desolated out here – I passed only a few houses during the day. On the other hand there was plenty of forest and plenty of rivers.
I was thinking about the crazy traffic between Washington D.C. and New York only a few weeks ago. For now I was enjoying the silence.
On my map I was getting closer to New Glasgow – a good thing since I was running low on food. While entering town I noticed that all the shops were closed – it turns out that today isCanadian labour day – bummer! I did find an open kiosk and was able to buy a bit of food to keep me going.
I love the hours around sunrise and sunset. When you are out cycling and camping you really get to enjoy this time of the day with the beautiful colors – if you live in a house you often don’t even notice…
I found yet another good Canadian camp spot and settled in for the night. Tomorrow I hope to reach Cape Breton – supposedly nature is beautiful out there!
You can’t argue with this scenery!
True Stephen… nice day to celebrate 1800 🙂 Xmas greetings from Copenhagen!