Distance: 65.52 km
Ridetime: 3:32:06
Average: 18.5 km/h
Total distance: 1697 km
Sometimes you feel at home right away when you arrive in a city for the first time. I had the feeling riding into Baie Mare. It might have something to do with the fantastic weather as well.
I had set up a meeting with Jenny from Arkansas who works as a volunteer in Baie Mare. Or rather, in the small village of Sasar some kilometers away. When I arrived I was immediately welcomed by Jenny’s host family with food and wine from their own production. I had heard about the hospitality of people from Maramures and it everything I had heard certainly seemed true.
After eating I went for a walk around the village with Jenny and her boyfriend Mihai.
As it was Mihai’s birthday the day ended with even more food and a lot of cakes! I feel so spoiled everywhere I go.
How wonderful! Great photos!
Hej Thomas –
Det er dejligt at høre fra dig – det ser ud som om du har en kanon tur –
Mange hilsner fra Even og Bente
Hej Thomas –
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Det er dejligt at høre fra dig og se billeder – det ser ud som om du har en kanon tur –
Mage hilsner fra Even og Bente