Distance: 101.89 km
Ridetime: 04:11:28
Average: 24.3 km/h
Total distance: 7847 km
A few days ago I stopped at 7-eleven for hot coffee. Now their air condition and ice cream is saving the day.
Thailand is in general a very clean country, but in Sing Buri they had taken it to a whole new level. The streets here are so clean that they make streets in Denmark look like a waste dump.
After 4 hours in the saddle in 35°C the brain feels pretty fried. Luckily I didn’t have to walk long to find good food. Just outside the hotel I sat down at a road side food stall. And boy was the food good. The roasted pork meat with fresh herbs, crispy salad and rice would do just fine in a gourmet restaurant back home.