Distance: 119.1 km
Ridetime: 7:17:11
Average: 16.0 km/h
Total distance: 177 km
Denmark is small country. At least you can easily cycle out of it in 2 days. I was out for an early start already hitting the road at 7 o’clock. The first night wild camping in the tent was great but I was also very tired after only getting a few hours of sleep the night before.
Morning atmosphere in rural soutern Sealand, Denmark.
And a few hours later lunch break with a nice view of Gåsetårnet in Vordingborg. The weather was not really showing itself from the best side with a few rain showers and strong winds from the south. At 4 o’clock I was waiting for the ferry that would take me across the Baltic Sea to Rostock in Germany.
It was a special feeling standing on deck watching Denmark disappearing into the clouds.
The ferry to “Rostock” actually docked 15 km outside the city center which meant I had to navigate my way through some large industrial areas in complete darkness. When I finally reached my hostel for the night I was tired but happy.
Aw… you should have come through Hamburg! Although maybe lucky for you that you didn’t or I might have shot millions of questions at you and you wouldn’t have got anywhere before answering and explainign everything over and over again 😉
How long are you planning to be away for? Amazing route!!
Haha, yes that might have taken a while 🙂 I’m planning to be on the road for at least a year! Perhaps see you somewhere along the route then?
I hope there are no plans to replace this ferry, like they are with Rødby-Puttgarden.
It’s a good question Stephen. Once the new tunnel to Germany comes I’m not so sure the ferry will continue…