Distance: 127.33 km
Ridetime: 6:09:35
Average: 20.7 km/h
Max speed: 56.3 km/h
Total distance: 18064 km
For a long time Sydney was the final destination of the trip. Now that I have included a 2nd stage starting in South America I guess I’m only half way, but arriving in Sydney was still something to celebrate!
Before the celebrations there were, as in any good adventure, obstacles to overcome. The first was the climb up to Bully. It was not as much the climb itself but the fact that it took place on a very narrow road with many trucks that made it hard.
Sydney is not easy to ride into on a bicycle. There are cycle paths and cycling is even allowed on most of M5, one of the main freeways. But then, suddenly the cycling path will stop or you have to turn off the freeway. It was not a very direct route into the city I ended up doing.
Then something happened that I haven’t experienced before. Three times drivers would roll down their window and yell “Fucking Cyclist”. I wouldn’t say I was doing anything out of the ordinary, so I guess these people just didn’t like cyclists in general. Strange behaviour, and not really in line with the otherwise very positive conception I have of Australians.
The final obstacle before I could enjoy the sight of the Opera House was a flat tire on the M5 highway.
Finally there! It was an emotional moment sitting and thinking about all the wonderful experiences on the road from Denmark to Sydney.
I had been in contact with Vanessa who I know from my university days in Copenhagen, and I was invited to stay at her place. Right after finding her appartment we went for a celebration dinner at a local restaurant. Sirloin steak and red whine was certainly different than the usual baked beans, pasta and water I have been eating lately!
Thanks for a great welcome to Sydney, Vanessa!