Cycling The Globe

A Cycle Touring Expedition Around The World

Archive for May, 2012

Day 505: Working on an Australian Cattle Station

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on May - 30 - 2012

After less than 36 hours in Alice Springs I already had a job in hand – and what a job! I was going to a cattle station 260 km North East of town. Instead of writing about my own first day at work I think my colleague Britt from Washington DC did such a good  [ Read More ]

Categories: Australia

Day 498 – 504: Along Stuart Highway

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on May - 28 - 2012

It was early February when I came back to Australia after Christmas holidays back home. Like the first time I arrived in the country I landed in Darwin – the tropical capital of the Northern Territory. And just like the last time I had a couple of great days with my friend Stuie and his  [ Read More ]

Categories: Australia