Distance: 136.70 km
Ridetime: 05:28:55
Average: 24.9 km/h
Total distance: 12298 km
I had planned to stay in Mejayan for the night, but after checking all 3 hotels in town I was told there were no rooms available. It all seemed a bit strange since the hotels appeared to be empty – perhaps they weren’t too happy about hosting foreigners. I was told there would be plenty of places to stay in Madiun, but I would have to be going 20 km in the wrong direction. I could also continue forward but as it would be getting dark within an hour I figured I would have to wild camp.
If there is something cyclists don’t like it is to backtrack, but in the end I decided to head for Madiun. There is nothing like a bit of anger to motivate some fast cycling. On the last 20 km I averaged 31.9 km/h. Not bad after an already long day in the saddle.
In Madiun I quickly found a hotel and went out for dinner. To my surprise I saw another foreigner in the restaurant. Jeroen from Norway turned out to be married to Mia, a local teacher. I was invited to their nice home for dessert. What a great way to finish long day.