Distance: 92.28 km
Ridetime: 03:33:54
Average: 25.9 km/h
Total distance: 7454 km
A rainy and cold day. Well, after spending two months in India even 23°C actually feels cold.
In Tak I checked into a cheap hotel and went to the market. As I was looking for dessert I heard a voice behind me: “Yeah, I though I would find a cyclist near the food”. It was Fred from bikefororphans.com who had obviously also arrived in town. Our first meeting was on the border between Turkey and Syria before Christmas. Then we met two months ago in Gokarna in India. The world is small.
After the dessert I mentioned to Fred that I had just eaten at a restaurant serving nice steaks. Without further discussion we went there for dinner number two in a row.
There were many cycling stories from the road to be told. A great evening in great company.
Dear Thomas OZ1AA
Keep a note of all your cycling stories so that one day you may publish them !!!! I have told my Malaysian Ham friends about your trip . May write back probable day & place of your entry in Malaysia.
Happy & safe biking . Take care.
de vu3vqu Mrinal , Calcutta India
Hi Mrinal. I hope everything is fine in Calcutta. I should reach Malaysia about one month from now (I heard those southern Thai islands a very nice, so no stress!) I will stay on the east coast of Malaysia and probably skip Kuala Lumpur.
Getting tempted to join one day.
Hej, you look so felizzzzzzzzzz……….