Distance: 42.94 km
Ridetime: 2:06:36
Average: 22.2 km/h
Total distance: 3694 km
With only 40 km to cover I took the luxury of sleeping until 9. Being in the extreme east of the current time zone, it gets dark as early as 4:30. On the other hand there is full daylight at 6 in the morning. To be able to cover some distance it usually means getting up quite early.
Again I was able to find a cheap hotel room for the night. Saving money on the accommodation means more money for food! Two big hamburgers, french fries, cola and the biggest ice cream I could order for desert – all for less than 5 euro. While Eastern Europe and Turkey is not really dirt cheap travel destinations anymore, Syria is!
Apart from all the eating I also went out to explore the souk area. Although Homs is Syria’s 3rd largest city I didn’t meet a single tourist all day. I am certainly off the beaten track now.
Culture culture culture!