Distance: 62.78 km
Ridetime: 2:16:46
Average: 27.3 km/h
Total distance: 3415 km
Another fast day on the flat roads along the Mediterranean. Only riding 60 km a day allows plenty of time for a long lunch break. My two hour lunch break location looked like this.
After the many days without too much cycling the legs are now feeling great. I could have continued much longer, but Alanya was the destination for today. I have been here once before, 6 years ago on a package holiday tour. The brain is an interesting thing; I though I had forgot all about Alanya, but when rode into the city all the memories from 6 years ago came right back, and I could easily navigate my way around the city.
I had also suspected hotel rooms would be expensive in such a resort town. To my great surprise I was able to find the cheapest room in all Turkey here. Again, travelling in low season has its advantages.