Distance: 135.48 km
Ridetime: 8:26:37
Average: 17.1 km/h
Total distance: 2769 km
Another hard and hilly day in Bulgaria. At some points I really had to dig deep to find the power after the long day yesterday.
Passing the famous Sunny Beach resort. It seems more like a ghost town now where the season has ended.
With a day length of under 9 hours I really should be cycling before 9 o’clock in the morning. Today I didn’t manage to get going before 10 and then I had some troubles navigating my way out of Varna. Therefore I was once again hard pressed to reach Burgas before darkness. I didn’t quite manage it. The last 20 km I was riding in complete darkness on a highway with heavy traffic. Easily the most uncomfortable ride on the trip so far.
When I reached the airport about 10 km from Burgas I called Nasko. We had arranged to meet in the city, but he said it was no problem to pick me up at the airport. He even arranged to have my bike and myself moved to a hotel for the night and wouldn’t let me pay for anything. Thank you Nasko! I think I have said it before, but the hospitality I have experienced in these Eastern European countries is truly amazing.
After a shower I got picked up by Nasko and we went to a restaurant to for a great dinner with the radio guys of Burgas.
Happy but tired! Tomorrow will be a well deserved rest day.
People from Balkan country are always recognize for its hospitality . Wish you nice trip to futher . Good job.
73 Marko OZ/YT2T
I’ve never gone futher than 120Km a day. You are on shape
By the way, it’s funny that you have the language of your GPS in Spanish.. hehe
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