Distance: 134.8 km
Ridetime: 7:20:00
Average: 18.0 km/h
Total distance: 737 km
The outside temperature was -1° this morning which was actually a bit of a surprise since I was feeling warm and comfortable in my sleeping bag.
It was quite cold to pack everything together but after an hour on the bike the sun hard warmed up the air to a more comfortable 10° and by noon I think we were closer to 20. The joys of continental climate.
From the morning I was a bit worried where I would be able to buy food on a Sunday. Luckily some shops were still open. For lunch break I found myself walking around a very big and fancy shopping center in full cycling clothes and shoes. I’m not surprised I got a few looks.
Putting up the tent I thought it could get even colder tonight after such a bright day with not a cloud on the sky. I’m quite glad to have a Couchsurfing appointment in Wroclaw tomorrow.