Cycling The Globe

A Cycle Touring Expedition Around The World

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Day 1: Copenhagen – Rønnede

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Oct - 04 - 2010

Distance: 57.3 km
Ridetime: 2:59:28
Average: 19.0 km/h
Total distance: 57 km

I’m finally on the road! What a mix of emotions the departure day was. Yesterday there was still a million things to finish before leaving, and with all the butterflies in the stomach I didn’t get much sleep during the night.

I did find it very difficult emotionally to pack all the stuff I had been buying into the panniers for the very first time. It feels like I’m not only leaving materialistic things behind here in Denmark, but also a part of myself. It could be a very long time before I’m back again.

At midday I cycled into the central square in Copenhagen where I would meet my family and friends. Everyone I passed on the road looked like they had a normal doing going to and from school or work. For me everything was anything but normal!

It was indeed a difficult goodbye, but between all the butterflies and sadness there was another feeling as well. A feeling of relief to finally be doing what I have been thinking about for so long. There will be a price to pay, but for now I really want to be on the road.

And as the bell on the City Hall Tower rang to signal it was two o’clock, it was time to set off into the unknown.

Categories: Denmark, Photobanner
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13 Responses so far.

  1. Mor says:

    Hej Thomas!

    Så kom du afsted…De bedste ønsker til dig. Jeg glæder mig til at følge dig på siden her. Vi ses i Egypten.
    Kærligst mor.

  2. Mikael Andersen says:

    Hej Thomas

    Held og lykke med turen. Vi ser meget frem til at følge dine oplevelser her på siden.

    Hilsen Rasmus, Lena og Mikael

  3. Juan says:

    Buena suerte Thomas!

  4. Uni L. Hansen says:

    Held og lykke, Thomas, din skøre dansker. Håber alle de mange skåle med havregryn, du har måtte indtage, for at spare op til din drømmetur, vil vise sig at være det hele værd 😉

    Goodspeed og pas godt på dig selv.

  5. Trygvi OY4TN says:

    Góðan túr allan tann langa vegin.

  6. Thomas says:

    Mange tak! Og jeg er nu stadig en stor fan af havregryn – en ting jeg helt sikkert kommer til at savne på turen 🙂

  7. Hej Thomas

    Hav en god tur til Sydney – lidt snyd, at du ikke kommer forbi Sveits 😉

    Pas på dig selv!

    73, Dennis

  8. Marta says:

    Hej Thomas!
    Mucho tomateee!!! Im following you in your web, dont led us without news! Looking forward to see what’s coming up. Mucha suerte guapo,

  9. Morten says:

    Thomas rocks!

  10. I guess the best place is to start at day 1! I’m going to have a lot of fun, reading your blog – it’ll probably take me many weeks!

  11. Hi Stephen! How great to see you over here 🙂 And yes, quite a few pages to check out! Hope you will enjoy! Thomas

  12. idndewa says:

    nice your pic bro

  13. Stephen says:

    Decided to re-read, right from the beginning!